Thursday, June 29, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Get your copy of Mr. Lottery Best Picks:Rundown System at the Page Turner Press and Media bookstore? Website: PageTurner Press and Media | Publishing and Marketing

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good Day!!! 305 416 527 638 749 850 961 072 183 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 961 916 169 196? Cash app address $davidvlaster

Monday, June 26, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown Numbers!!!

Good Morning!!! Play 000 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 $1.00? Extra $1.00 on the 333 777 999 000? Cash app me $75.00 at $davidvlaster if wish to join Mr. Lottery Players' Club? Players club members get their personalized workout numbers!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good Eveninig!!! Play 445 556 667 778 889 000 101 212 323 434 334 445...787 898 999 110 221 332 443 554 665 776 the all straights and boxes? Cash app me $75.00 at $davidvlaster and you automatically become a member of Mr. Lottery Players Club?

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good dDay!!! play 006 117 228 339 440 551 662 773 884 559 Play them sall straight boxes? Cash App Me at $davidvlaster and I will add you to Mr. Lottery Players Club? Get the best numbers whenever you like!

Friday, June 23, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good morning!!! Play 168 279 380 491-502-613 724 835 946 all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 502 205 250 520? Cash App Me at $davidvlaster and I will add you to Mr. Lottery Players Club? Get the best numbers whenever you like!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good evening!!! Play 309-410-521-632-743-854-965-076-178 them all straight box? Extra $1.00 straight on 178-187-718-781? $davidvlaster

Monday, June 19, 2023

fr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good morning!!! 068-179-280-391-402-513-624-735-846-957-170…play the all straight and box? Extra $.50 straight on 068-179-513-971-791-197? $davidvlaster

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Happy Father's Day!!!

509 412 413 590 421 all $1.00 straight? Extra $1.00 straight on 509? $davidvlaster

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good morning!!! 459 560 671 782 893 904 015 126 237 348... play them all straight box? Extra $1.00 straight on 459-904 495 940? Cash app $davidvlaster me $75.00 if you want win big?

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Mr. Lottery Best Picks!! Now at a Bookstore near you!!! David Vincent Laster's “Mr. Lottery's Best Picks: Rundown Systems.” You can now order my book on the publisher website: PageTurner Press and Media 📷 Address: 601 E. Palomar St., Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: 1-888-447-9651 Fax: (619) 632-6328 Email: Website:

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Also playing!!! 0177 1177 2177 3177 4177 5177 6177 7177 8177 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 0177 31777 41777 8177 9177? $davidvlaster

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Now playing!!! 369 470 581 692 703 814 925 036 147 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 on 629 and 692? $davidvlaster

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good Evening!!! them all straight box? Extra $1.00 straight on 229-299-339-399? $davidvlaster

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good morning!!! 860 971 082 193 204 315 426 537 648 759 334 them all straight box? Extra $1.00 straight on 537 573 333? $davidvlaster

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good day!!! Play 239 340 451 562 673 784 895 906 017 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 895 017 859 071? $davidvlaster

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Behind triples you usually get a great deal of repeat numbers!!! When Ga, drew 531 a week ago on Sat. Midday May 26-951 was drawn that evening. By right the same numbers should come behind it. But I doubt if that will happen but one of the other numbers on that track should be drawn! My look up numbers are 926 and here the number track associated with is containing the 951. 517 628 (729) ~ 940 951*** 062 173 073 295 517 Now the number that does not belong with any the numbers on this track are 729. Ga. being Ga. they could draw the 729 or something in the rundown with it. That being the case that rundown would look like this: 618 729 830 941 052 163 274 385 496 507 618 So, let see if Ga. draw one of these numbers in the evening drawing?

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Good Morning!!! Play 849 950 061 172 283 394 405 516 627 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 516 561 615? $davidvlaster

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!!!

Hey Now Playing Our Greatest Hits!!! 000-111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999!!! $davidvlaster

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Mr. Lottery Rundown System!

Good evening! Play 392 403 514 625 736 847 958 069 170 them all straight boxes? Extra 1.00 straight on 392 170 403 514? $davidvlaster