"Helping people realize their dreams through the Pick 3 lottery since 1997~Mr Lottery Turns Your Ticket Into Cash"
One day real soon I am going to put together a class for those that want to learn different ways to select or pick your Cash 3 and cash 4 numbers!!! Trust are many different ways! from the simple to the most complex. For instance have you ever wonder why some states give you the sum of their numbers? Like New York for an instance? 404
Lucky Sum: 8! Well with my system you can look that sum up and it will take you the next numbers to hit? So a sum 8 would be 008! So, therefore, would go that section in my book and look up 008, but in this case, 080 and 3 click up what do you see but good old 388!
New York..4-0-4...3-8-8...06-3-7...8273.
As I always say when they draw numbers they go up and down on something that they have already drawn. We have to figure out what numbers they are going to go up and down on? So if you were using the sum method or any method you would be looking for numbers that had already been drawn and what numbers that those are going up and down on. My system gives you those numbers.
Subtext: Play these in S.C. 310-421-532-643-754-865-976-876-987-098-199...play all straight and box?
Mr Lottery Rundown System
628-997-366 610-979-348 430-799-168
739-108-477 711-080-449 541-910-279
639-008-377 822-191-560 431-800-169
750-119-488 933-302-671 542-911-280
851-220-589 833-202-571 653-022-391
962-331-700 944-313-682 764-133-502
073-442-811 055-424-793 875-244-613
184-553-922 166-535-904 986-355-724
295-664-033 277-646-015 097-466-835
406-775-144 388-757-126 208-577-946
517-886- 255 499-868-237 319-688-057
628-997-366 610-979-348 430-799-168
To get your copy of Mr Lottery Rundown System wire $20.00 to David Laster Albany Georgia 31721? By way of The Western Union only? It is a downloadable copy! The hard copy will be ready at a later date. I will need your email address to email it to your inbox?
dl2239@yahoo.com or 229-435-0253