Mr Lottery Rundown System
"Helping people realize their dreams through the Pick 3 lottery since 1997~Mr Lottery Turns Your Ticket Into Cash"
249-2830-66251 Cash 3/4 Ga. Fri. Midday Jan. 22, 2016
Cash 3 Cash 4 Ga. 5
880-249-618 249-618-987 337-706-075
981-350-719 360-729-098 448-817-186
092-461-830 461-830-199 559-928-297
203-572-941 572-941-310 670-039-468
314-683-052 683-052-421 771-140-509
425-794-163 794-163-532 882-251-620
536-905-274 905-274-643 993-362-731
436-805-174 016-385-754 104-473-842
547-916-285 127-496-865 215-584-753
658-027-396 238-607-976 326-695-064
769-138-507 138-507-876 437-806-175
880-249-618 249-618-987 337-706-075
249-2830 Cash 3/4 Ga. Add/Sub. Rundown Numbers!!!
-581 -419 +079
445-814-183 817-186-555 377-746-115
556-925-294 928-297-666 488-857-226
667-036-405 039-408-777 599-968337
778-147-516 939-308-677 710-079-448
889-258-627 050-419-788 811-180-549
000-369-738 151-520-889 922-291-660
101-470-839 262-631-000 033-402-771
212-581-950 373-742-111 933-302-671
323-592-061 484-853-222 044-413-782
434-803-172 595-964-333 155-524-893
334-703-072 706-075-444 266-635-004
445-814-183 817-186-555 377-746-115
This is my Ga. Workout that I do twice a day every day!!!
Sunday numbers usually come from Friday's Workout!!!
Mr Lottery turns Your Ticket Into Cash"
Email or call if you would like to join Mr Lottery Players Club? or 229-435-0253?
Are you living under financial stress and need some Big Money to help you get back on track. Mr Lottery has been helping lottery players win Big Money every since 1997 and he can help you!!!