Mr Lottery Rundown Numbers
Rundown Numbers -140 -860 +974
337 706 075 713 082 451 060 429 798
448 817 150 824 193 562 161 530 899
559 928 261 935 304 673 272 641 010
670 039 372 835 204 573 383 752 121
771 140 272 946 315 684 494 863 232
882 251 383 057 426 795 605 974 343
993 362 494 168 537 906 716 085 454
104 473 605 279 648 017 827 196 565
215 584 716 390 759 128 938 307 676
326 695 827 491 860 229 838 207 576
437 806 938 602 971 340 949 318 687
337 706 039 713 082 451 060 429 798
Numbers from Friday Midday Workout usually are drawn on Sunday Midday. That is because it usually take numbers anywhere from 3 to 7 days to generate. See if your numbers come from any these rundowns? These rundowns are taken from my Friday's Georgia Midday Workout. Feel free to post a comment and let me know what you think?
"Mr Lottery Turns Your Tickets Into Cash"
Rundown Numbers -725 -275 +805
123 492 861 573 942 311 880 249 618
234 603 972 684 053 422 981 350 719
134 503 872 795 164 533 092 461 830
245 614 983 906 275 644 203 572 941
356 725 094 017 386 755 314 683 052
467 836 205 128 497 866 425 794 163
578 947 316 239 608 977 536 905 274
689 058 427 139 508 877 436 805 174
800 169 538 250 619 988 547 916 285
901 270 639 351 720 089 658 027 396
012 381 750 462 831 200 769 138 507
123 492 861 573 942 311 880 249 618
Numbers from Friday's Evening Workout are usually drawn on Sunday Evening.